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Research activities School of Health Sciences

The latest publications and projects from the School of Health Sciences.



  • The effect of pain education and graded sensorimotor relearning compared to usual physiotherapy in patients with low back pain

    Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is one of the most common reasons for people seeking health care and medical services. In most cases the specific cause of LBP remains elusive, and these presentations are classified as non?specific LBP. Genetic, biophysical, psychological, and ...

  • Developing a SSPH+ Initiative for Students' Mental Health

    Background Mental health is best conceived as a public good worth investing in for sustainable development. Already before 2020, prevalence studies estimated that in youth aged 25 years or less up to 1 in 5 would have experienced some kind of mental health disorders, psychological distress, or both. Moreover, recent ...

  • Home care workers’ health risks of exposure to heat waves

    Background Climate change is increasing the likelihood of heatwaves. Their duration and intensity are becoming more extreme, especially in urban areas. Heatwaves represent a significant health risk for all people. But for some socio-economic groups, such as home care professionals, they are especially challenging. ...

  • Catering in care and nursing homes: Challenges and solutions

    Our mission is to contribute to the highest possible quality and flexibility (individualisation and intolerances) of catering services for residents in order to support homes today and in the future. With this interdisciplinary project, we want to find out what challenges Swiss care and nursing homes are currently ...

  • Influence of Sex Hormones on the Biomechanics and Injuries of the Lower Extremities in Female Recreational Athletes

    Ligamentous injuries to the lower extremities are frequent and impactful. They not only generate high costs for society but can negatively influence the sporting career or activities, in recreational and professional athletes. Ligamentous injuries to the lower extremities often occur during jumping and cutting ...